Custer County Pasture

Custer County Pasture

Centrally located hardland pasture that would be a great addition to any cattle operation. For the avid outdoorsman, there is outstanding recreational potential. Access to the property is by township road located on the west side. Currently, water is supplied by one windmill and water wells from neighboring properties.

ACRES:  640.61 +/- offered in 2 tracts or as an entire parcel

2021 Real Estate Taxes:  $6,913.76

LEGAL DESCRIPTION:  North 1/2 Section 16, Township 15 North, Range 21 West; South 1/2 Northeast 1/4 & Southeast 1/4 Section 8, Township 15 North, Range 21 West; North 1/2 Northeast 1/4 Section 17, Township 15 North, Range 21 West

WATER WELLS:  Three windmills are located on the property. Two of the three windmills are not working. There are three tanks on the property where water is supplied from the neighbors’ wells. All water tanks are owned by the tenant.

PROPERTY LOCATION:  From the west edge of Broken Bow, travel on Ryno Road approximately 11 miles to 432 Drive.  Head south 1 mile to 790 drive.  Travel on 790 Drive for approximately 1 mile to the gate of the property.

Custer County Fairgrounds, 44100 Memorial Drive, Broken Bow, Nebraska 68822
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$0.00x 319.65
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Lot 2: East Half Section
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$0.00x 320.96
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